You can donate to Pacific Grace MB Church using the following methods:
By e-Transfer
Set up eTransfer in your bank account. Add PGMBC as one of your transfer contacts with the email “”. When you make an eTransfer to PGMBC, please also include your name, donation A/C# and your fund preference (General Fund/Thanksgiving, Mission, Development or/and flower). The church will issue you an official receipt on your accumulated amount for Tax Return in Feb. the following year.
Through PayPal Giving Fund Canada
You need to sign in with a PayPal account which can be created during the donation process without fee. 100% of your donation will go to General Fund which we will allocate to other funds as needed.
PayPal Giving Fund will email a Charitable Donation receipt within minutes. Please keep your receipts as these are the final receipts issued by PayPal Giving Fund.
Mail your cheque to PGMBC (2855 East 1st Ave, Vancouver BC, V5M 1A9)
Cheque made payable to “PGMBC” and mail to the above address with a note stating your donation preference (General Fund, Thanksgiving, Mission, Development, Flower). Do not mail cash.
We shall issue you a Charitable Donation Receipt for the calendar year by the end of February next year.
Complete a donation envelope available from the church and deposit in the donation box.
You can put cash or cheque in the envelope. Cheque made payable to “PGMBC”.
We shall issue you a Charitable Donation Receipt for the calendar year by the end of February next year.