Jan 26, 2025 Church News
- Welcome to our Sunday Wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!
Due to an increase in COVID and flu cases, wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. It is highly recommended to get the new COVID vaccine and flu shot.
The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
- English & Youth Service: 10:00am @ Gym; JAM @B7; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
- Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
- In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
- Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7;
- Adult class in the gym; Senior High School in A10; Junior High Sunday School in A13
- Offering Report for 2024.1-12 are available online for your Offering Receipt with cheques, cash or eTransfer will be emailed in Feb or distribution. According to CRA, the donor’s name and address must be printed on the receipt. For updating your info, email address or enquiries, please contact
We want to appreciate each one of you for the tremendous contribution you have made to our church family. Your generous support has made a difference. God has done and continues to do remarkable things through us and with us–things that matter in our community!
- If you would like to be newly added to the church group mail list to receive the prayer letter, weekly bulletin and other information, please fill the online form. No need to refill the form if you are already on the list.
- It is highly recommended to register/update your emergency contact with the admin office
- New Security Codes to Key Holders – Old/New Key Holders, Deacons, Dept. Chairs and Fellowship Leaders, please return/sign up with Joanna Li starting today to 1/31. $50 will be charged if the key is lost
- Mail Slots are re-assigned to 2025 leaders. Please check and clear the mail slot regularly.
- Fellowship/Department leaders, if you need to learn how to use the stove, contact Kitchen dpt. For gathering with meals, leaders please fill the booking form and send to Kitchen dpt
- Staff News: N/A
- We will not be meeting this coming Wednesday in order to be free to celebrate Chinese New Year. We encourage those who are able to join the joint mission prayer meeting in English on Tue.
- 1/28(Tue.7:30pm)Joint Mission Prayer Meeting Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Marcio Garcia, the missionary we support in Brazil will share in English his ministry this Tuesday night. The mission department has updated the list of fellowships responsible to care for our missionaries. The English speaking youths (from Grade 7 to University) are responsible to care for Marcio. The Engligh youths are encouraged to join the prayer meeting to learn more about the missionary they are caring for.
- New Sermon Series in English Service
With the start of a new year it’s a good time to reflect on our lives and consider where we need to make some course adjustments. Starting in January we will be starting a new series with that purpose in mind. Some of the topics covered will be getting a renewed vision for your life, redefining your purpose, and with that in mind how you spend your time and your money, as well as invest in relationships.
Sermon study notes and follow-up discussion questions will be made available in the service. Please contact Pastor Don if you wish to have those emailed to you.
Come prepared to interact with others as we discuss these important life issues.
- An Open Invitation to All College and University Students
You are invited to Pastor Don and Diana’s home on Sunday February 16th at 6:30pm (note the change in date). We would like to get to know you better and find ways in which we can support and encourage you in this season of your lives. As always in our home, food and beverages will be provided. Come and hang out together at our place for awhile. If you need help finding our home or need a ride, please contact me (Don) at or (604) 838 9051. We look forward to seeing you!
- 2025 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: visitations will be on 3/13(Cantonese), 6/12(Mandarin), 9/11(English) & 12/11(Thu. 7-9:30pm) and led by a pastor. Enquiry Pastor David.
- Casa de Luz Missions Trip Update
A team meeting was held on zoom on Thursday, Jan 16. The travel plan was discussed as well as cost and what to expect at Casa de Luz. Rachel recorded the session and if anyone is interested in that they can contact her. For the power point presentation you can contact Pastor Don. We hope to have a commitment from team members by the end of the month so we can purchase airline tickets. Anyone who is still interested but not present at the online meeting can contact Pastor Don, but do so soon.
- 2025 Mission Fest 「I WILL」is coming to Vancouver on2/13-15(Thu-Sat), hosted in Chilliwack Heritage Park. Please see the website for the details
- Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
- Abuse Prevention and Safety (APS) committee 2025 plan:
- 3/9(Sun, 1pm) demo for how to use AED machine and Naloxone Kit
- 6/22(Sun, 3-5:30pm) online English Plan to Protect Training – Orientation
- 9/14(Sun) Earthquake and Fire Drill
- 2025 First Aider Roster is on the Admin board upstairs and downstairs. There will be no in-house group training this year. If any church volunteer need to be trained, contact before registration
- Please pray for the sick and their families.